$75.00 USD

Every month

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Mission Focus Monthly Group Coaching & Healing

If you are called to something greater than yourself... a feeling of being led to serve humanity, then you will want to participate in this group.

In these monthly 2 hour online meetings, our focus is on being successful in our soul's mission here on Earth. Often we step out into this calling only to find out that we are climbing a mountain full of tests, difficulties and challenges.

Let's get you through that and to the other side so you can feel successful in your mission.

What you'll get:

  • Intuitive coaching to get more clarity on specific questions you have
  • Exercises to bring forth awareness & get connected to your potential
  • Manifestation activities to help you manifest more effectively
  • Meditation to feel more peaceful & connected spiritually while focusing on what you need for your mission
  • Healing to clear & heal from traumas & wounding of the past
  • Mindset expansion to face your fears & move beyond your comfort zone
  • Connection to a like-minded community
  • Loving & Supportive Community 
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